December 2022

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I would have expected nothing less

“Big results require big ambitions.” — Heraclitus, ancient Greek pre-Socratic philosopher “Good afternoon, I hope you remember me from the early 1980s before I moved to Hemphill,” the message in my inbox from Gary Stewart began. “You were a helpful boss and advocate, and I appreciated your advice.” “Certainly, I remember you,” I responded as soon as I saw Gary’s words.


In the Thursday, Dec.15 edition of the Avalanche, the date listed to fill the position for the Brewster County Tourism department’s Administrative Assistant should state Jan. 30, not June 23..
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More news from 2022

The wide-open spaces of West Texas lured a record 581,000 recreational visits to remote Big Bend in 2021. These numbers reflect a 25% increase since 2019, the last year the park was completely open, and a 49% increase since 2016. Once relatively unknown, the Big Bend area continues to see a significant increase in visitation, and the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in even more visitors seeking out the qualities of this special place. “This is a significant milestone,” said Chief of Interpretation and Visitor Services Tom VandenBerg. “When Big Bend National Park was established in 1944, a mere 1,400 visitors arrived that first year, but park promoters dreamed of a day when the area would host half a million visitors. That dream has now become reality.”