
Holy Angels Cemetery

In a day and age where volunteers are a precious commodity, it’s important to me to thank two volunteers who took time from their busy lives to help clean Holy Angels Cemetery. The cemetery looked like it had been abandoned, with the amount of overgrown brush, graves untended, trash lined up by the fence, and no one in sight taking care of the grounds.

They need your help!

Although many locals are unaware, for the past several years there has been a quiet but incredible northward migration of animals from the Big Bend. Literally thousands of dogs and cats have had a second chance to live because of the continued efforts of a handful of people.

Remember September

September 2021 was a strange month for Texans. The White House tried to force Texans to take CO- VID vaccines they didn’t want or need, as in young people with a high resistance and those with natural immunity. Those same vaccines were not forced on others in Texas such as the thousands of illegitimate migrants the feds allow to cross into Texas from Mexico - the same feds who restricted a drug being sent to Texas to cure COVID infections for any Texan who tested positive. Texas Doctors may now have to make difficult decisions of who not to give that cure to.

Thank you to the Alpine community:

My husband and I were visiting Alpine, as we try to do several times a year from our home in Georgetown. We have a small RV. On Friday night we were returning from the Trappings of Texas opening night party at Museum of the Big Bend, and accidentally drove past the entrance to the Lost Alaskan where we always stay. We immediately turned right onto the next road and attempted to turn around, but got stuck. We couldn’t get out.
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Be a neighborly Texan

The State of Texas has often been referred to as not just a state, but also a state of mind. Texas is an idea. I am proud of our beautiful state. I am proud of its people, its culture, and its imprint on our character. We strive to protect one another, and work toward a prosperous future in every endeavor. It is important now more than ever that we embody these characteristics. In the time of a global pandemic, we should be doing everything in our power to protect each other.